One of my listings was featured in the Etsy Storque, in the Spotlight section. *excited*
Thank you bananapantsclothes for finding the article! ♥
Check it out HERE.
Soap curing! Exciting, huh? ♥ Tonight will be full of beveling bars & smoothing the edges so they are easier to hold. Right now, the soaps have a fan on them to help with the natural airflow, and to 'pull' the excess water out. It is so hot and dry out here in Vegas, that these bars are having no problem hardening up to be perfect bars And this adorable little button, Sophie, belongs to Jkalea of Etsy.com! I hear she loves my soaps, which she is holding up in the picture ♥ Check out Jkalea's Shop for some amazing and beautiful baby gifts! She sells the CUTEST Eco- Friendly Diaper Cake!