Around 2:30am this morning I got a call from my sister that our Mother's house was on fire. My Mom had been taken to the hospital and that was all of the information anyone could give me. No one was able to tell me where my brother and sister where (I later found my siblings at a neighbors house.) After rushing to the hospital I had been told my Mom was going to be taken to a larger facility in Sioux City, IA.Talk about going into massive panic mode... She did not have any burns but severe smoke inhalation. She was released this morning, due to having no insurance, with burns on her lungs and we do not yet know of any permanent damage. I have two younger siblings (10yrs and 15yrs) who ware unharmed, if not completely mentally shaken. My mother's husband and the family puppy are also doing ok. Talk about putting things into perspective...
The house is destroyed and they lost everything. I keep repeating this to myself and for some reason it just is not sinking in.
However, I am already blown away by the help the community has given us. The school has put together a donation drive for clothing and school supplies with teachers and staff contacting us for any help we may need. I can not thank you enough for those who have helped, called, emailed, and kept my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Honestly, I am scared shitless right now, to put it bluntly. My husband and I live a very simple and cheap life, cutting out things like cable, water softeners, house phones and yeah, we buy clothing at goodwill on a regular basis. This is ok for us and it is what we have to do as parents to make ends meet. But I have now taken on caring for another family of four whom have nothing. No clothing, no food, no beds...nothing. I feel helpless. I can not just go buy them the things they need, I don't even know how I am going to feed this many people. I'm pissed my Mother was released from the hospital due to lack of insurance and I need to get her back to a doctor. Really, I am not trying to drop a sob story on your lap, I am beyond scared.
Also, I will be closing down my shops for a little bit and putting my time into making things as comfortable as possible for my mom, while keeping these kids smiling and distracted. I am the only one able to take care of everyone right now so that is my number one priority. Orders that I have not yet sent will be shipped a couple days behind schedule, but I will have them out to you by Friday at the latest. Thank you so much for your understanding.
I will try to keep everyone posted on any changes and my phone will be on me at all times. I will be updating via my Twitter stream also (Twitter.com/KyleeLane) . If I can not get back to you immediately, I apologize, but please know every act and every word of kindness helps more than I can put into words.
♥ *Updated to add: It has been determined the fire started due to faulty/over heated wires behind the clothing dryer. I will never run a load of laundry before I go to bed ever, ever again.
♥ *Updated to add: Thank you SO much for those still contacting me aboutwanting to help. My family is back on their feet and in a new home now. Again, thank you so so so much to everyone.
Im bawling my eyes out for you right now. I was in this very same situation December 14, 1994.. I will never forget. Let me tell you something though.. you are doing ALL the right things by being there and being supportive most of all.
It is very sweet of the school and community to pull together and you will be surprised by what can truly happen in this case. My heart and prayers are with you. Keep your chin up.. you will all endure this.. Hugs!
Hi you don't know me, but I was reading your story and I was touched. I want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know right now things look bleak, but I know things are going to be just fine for you and your family. It sounds like your mom has a wonderful daughter to take care of her and your brother and sister have a great big sis to take care of them. Don't let this get you down, just keep your head held high, and remember the Lord NEVER gives us more than we can handle.
Sorry it was 12/14/1991.. time goes by quick ;(
Hang in there girl!
I'm so sorry for you new, unexpected burden. You will find a way to make this work.
As for your specific request regarding economical meals, Google these:
$5 Dinners
Hillbilly Housewife
FlyLady Saving Dinner
Rachael Ray budget meals
Kraft budget meals
A Year of Crockpot
I'm thinking of you and I know you need to take the time right now to help your mother and her family. Don't leave your shop closed too long as that's your outlet for you, which you know you need. And it provides some income for your family. As you know, every little bit helps.
I wish you the best and I'll be thinking of you.
Now go soak a pot of beans and dig out that bag of rice. Good, hot food made with love.
It's Nelia from Etsy. I saw your shop and when I read this, I was just... stunned. I'm so sorry; fire is such a huge fear, and it's such a hard thing to overcome. I have my heart out for your mother and I hope she recovers completely.
I'm so sorry. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. You will overcome this - you're a strong woman, and I know sometimes it may be hard and you may not know what to do, but you'll make it through this.
Take care, we love you!
Oh my goodness. I'm saying a prayer for you and your family.
I will pass this information along on my blog.
I stumbled upon your blog via Angi's and it's no wonder she is so taken with you.
You are a talented, compassionate woman and a testament to how strong we ladies can be when under duress.
Although I don't know you I feel compelled to wish you well and to say a prayer.
Hang in there,
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